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– The Kickoff 2016 Party will be held Saturday Feb 6th @ 6pm at the Puritan Back Room.

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m/Run 400m
II. 6:00 Dynamic Mobility
25ft Duck Walk (PVC OH)
25ft Bear Crawl
25ft Inchworms
25ft Spider Lunges
10 x Leg Swings
10 x Scorpion Stretch
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Snatch/Pistol EMOTM
Warm up as needed following movement review. Complete the following movements every minute on the minute for 12:00.

Even: 3 x Power Snatch (TnG)
Odd: :40 x Pistols (Alternating)

Post weight used, and reps completed to comments.

Impact/Focus: Row Intervals
Complete the following row intervals for time.
Row 30kcal
Rest 1:00
Row 20kcal
Rest 1:00
Row 10kcal
Rest 1:00
Row 20kcal
Rest 1:00
Row 30kcal

Post times to comments.

5-10:00 Skills Conditioning

Samy Daghir

8 thoughts on “02.03.2016”

  1. Great Sweat Sesh with 730.
    Snatcheroos: Ended at 95#/53 reps blue band (dang crunchy knees!)
    Row: 1:55/1:19/00:34/1:13/1:50 (slow; 1-2 pulls/cal. got better as kept going-quads still on fire from thrusters)
    Lungs are running at 90%. Hope to have the last of this thing kicked out of my system this week!

    Row, row, row your boat… 😉

  2. “PS/Pistols EOMOTM” : 75#/53 Band-aided Pistols
    “Row Intervals”: 1:40/1:01/0:28/1:03/1:49
    Met. Con. – Check! 24kg/unbroken all 4 rounds


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