Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 5:00 AMRAP of
1 x Rope Climb
10 x Hollow Rocks
20 x Jumping Jacks
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Back Squat
Work through the following sets/reps
Back Squat Cycle Week 3/Day 2
10 x 60%
10 x 65%
8 x 70%
8 x 75%
Post sets/reps to comments.
“Lemon Disinfectant”
For time
Run 400m
20-15-10 reps of
Deadlift (225/155lbs)
GHD sit-ups
Box Jumps
Run 400m
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
1:00 x Ring Support (scale to forward lean/Ring precursor holds as needed)
Back Squat work- 8×95, 8×105, 6×110, 6×115
Lemon Disinfectant- 19:25 (sub 500m row for run) 155 DL, GHD, 20″ box
Front squat 75X5
Lemon disinfectant: 18:35 (135#, abmat 14#, 20″ box)
banged up my left shin again, in the same spot as before…OUCH!
Front Squat 225 x 6
Lemon disinfectant: 18:38 RX
Front Squat 115 x 8
Lemon disinfectant: 17:45 RX
Back squat 225×10/245×10/265×8/285×8
Front squat 185×5/195×5/215×5/215×5
Front squat: 115×6
Lemon disinfectant: 17:32 135# / ghd
FS 275 #
WOD 17:25 225 deadlift, Abmat, 24″ box
Front squat 150# x 8. “Lemon disinfectant ” 14:47 Rx.
Front Squat: 145 x 6
“Lemon Disinfectant” 16:30 155#/GHD/24″
Front Squat: 155 x 6
“Lemon Disinfectant” 16:44 205#/GHD/24″
I wrote 175# on the board, but it was really 205#. Thank god it was really 205# because otherwise, I turned into a bitch…that shit seemed really heavy.
Front Squat: 195# max
“Lemon Disinfectant” 16:50 185#
Power Cleans 155# x 5, 185# x 3, 205# x 1
Lemon Disinfectant- 14:25 Rx