Warm-up Drills
I. Tabata Speed Rope
II. 2 rounds of
5 x Medicine Ball Cleans (40/20lbs)
10 x Abmat Sit-ups (butterfly)
15 x Wall Squats
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Back Squat/Front Squat
Warm up as necessary before completing the workload below based on the Back Squat strength cycle selected:
I. Back Squat
4 x 75%
4 x 80%
4 x 80%
4 x 85%
II. Front Squat
5 x 65%
4 x 75%
4 x 80%
4 x 85%
Post sets/reps to comments.
“Remedy Relief”
4 rounds for time
20 x KB Swings (24/16kg)
25 x Wallballs (20/14lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Post times to comments.
Front Squat: 205 x 4
Remedy Relief:
15:15 Rx (switched to SU’s after 1st round).
Front Squat: 205 x 4
Remedy Relief:
15:15 Rx (switched to SU’s after 1st round).
“Front Squat” – not today
“Remedy Relief” 17:20 24kg/SUx 3
Back squat 320 x 4
Front squat 245 x 5
Remedy Relief 24:00 (24kg/20/SU)
Front squat 130×4
17:25 rx