– Our October On-Ramp class will begin Thursday October 12th at 6pm. Tell your friends!
Warm-up Drills
I. Run 200m
II. 2-3 rounds of
5 x Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 x Barbell Row
5 x Power Snatch
5 x Klokov Press
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Power Snatch
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 3 reps) before completing the following workload for Power Snatch.
Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 (95% 1RM)
Notes: Athletes should base their % off their 1RM established on 08.29.2017(link).
Post loads to comments.
“Bounded Not Bowed”
Complete for time
3 x Rope Climb Ascents
10 x Box Jump-overs (24/20”)
2 x Rope Climb Ascents
10 x Box Jump-overs
1 x Rope Climb Ascents
10 x Box Jump-overs
3 x Rope Climb Ascents
10 x Box Jump-overs
2 x Rope Climb Ascents
10 x Box Jump-overs
1 x Rope Climb Ascents
10 x Box Jump-overs
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
A. Ring Complex
Perform 3-5 Rounds of the following Ring Complex, without resting or coming off the rings:
Muscle-up x 1
Ring Dip to max depth with :02 hold at bottom x 2
Support x :10
Ring Dip to max depth with :02 hold at bottom x 2
Muscle-up x 1
Notes: Muscle-ups start at full extension with turn-out and finish in the support with turn-out.
B. 5 Rounds for quality of
-L-sit (rings or paralettes) x :15 + Ring Support x :10
-5 x Strict Dips
Rest 1:00 between rounds
Power Cleans x 5 – 105#. Felt good.
“Bounded Not Bowed” : Modified (15/10/5 Ring Rows): 11:23
Plus a few Rope Raises from floor to test the shoulder – went well !!
Power Snatch: 74×1
Bounded Not Bowed: 17:15 Rx
7:05 Rx.
Power Snatch: 125# for a couple powers…rest were fulls
“Bounded Not Bowed”: 24:37 (first 2 sets Rx’d then went to rope pulls…Thanks to Peter for suffering through those last pulls/box jumps with me!)