Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Dynamic Movement Drills & Yoga Series
III. Mobility
IV. Gymnastic Movement Warm-up and Review
Complete for time
Run 400m
3 x Rope Climbs
30 x Push-ups
Run 400m
2 x Rope Climbs
15 x Push-ups
1 x Rope Climb
15 x Push-ups
Run 400m
1 x Rope Climb
10 x Push-ups
1 x Rope Climb
10 x Push-ups
1 x Rope Climb
10 x Push-ups
Run 400m
Notes: Scaling to Pull-ups and assisted Pull-ups is 5 reps per Rope Climb. Scaled Rope Climbs with a knotted rope are 1:1, Pulls to standing are 2:1. Push-ups should be to the movement standard intended to be executed during the Memorial Day Hero WOD: MURPH. Time cap at 25:00.
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development: Midline Conditioning
6 Rounds of
:20 x V-ups (max reps)
:10 x Rest
:20 x Kneeling Slamball (max reps)
:10 x Rest
Post total reps per movement to comments.
“Warmer”: 23:19 Rx
Warmer: 23:08 mod
(1st round Rx, 2nd round sets of 5 pushups, 3rd round pulls to standing & sets of 3 pushups)
Midline conditioning: 60/68 12#
“Warmer”: 16:35 Rx.
“Warmer”: 23:45 Rx