Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility
Impact/Focus: HSPU Skills & Work Capacity
Scaling movements up or down as necessary execute a Handstand Push-up Skill or Work Capacity assignment and complete for quality/competence development.
:45 x Max Reps x :75 rest of
HSPU Skills/Workload
Post sets/reps/time in hold to comments.
12:00 AMRAP of
Row 500m
10 x Push Press (95/65lbs)
10 x Burpees (Jump to clap overhead)
Notes: Rx+ scaled to 135lbs, unbroken reps, Burpees are two hands jump to rig.
post scores to comments.
HSPUs: Max – 3 / 18 total w/abmat + 10# plate
Ripstop: 3 RX
15 (35) strict (first 3 rounds) + 9 (28) kipping (second 3 rounds).
3+row Rx.
HSPU Skills & Work Capacity: 12 SBs & 25 in remaining 5 rounds
“Ripstop”: 2+385m (75#)