Friday 01.31.2020

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Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Deadlift ‘De-Load Week’
Upon completing warm-up sets and reps athletes will work through the 5 sets x 5 reps each with the assigned Deadlift training weights noted below. Complete each working set on a 2-3:00 interval.

Warm-up sets/reps:
5 x 30-35%
5 x 40-45%
3 x 50%

Working sets/reps:
Deadlift x 5 sets @ 5 reps each
(50% of 5RM)

Post scores to comments.

“Trip Tax”
Versus a 15:00 Running Clock
Complete in as few attempts as possible, rest :20 per missed rep/trip during the Double/Single-under workload.
150 x Double-unders
300 x Single-unders

AMRAP in the time remaining of
3,6,9… x Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs)
3,6,9… x V-ups
3,6,9… x Slamball (40,30/20,12lbs)

Notes: Rx+ x 250 reps Double-unders.

Post scores to comments.

Skill Development
3 sets x 10 reps per leg, weighted lateral lunges

Samy Daghir

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