1. Warm-up Drills
I. Row 1000m
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility
(Lax Ball Chest & Shoulders, Shoulder Opener Drills, Snatch Movement PVC/Barbell Mobility, etc.)
2. “Isabell” Warm-up with
EMOTM x 10:00 @ 1-3 reps per set.
1. PVC
2. Empty Barbell
3. Lightweight/Warm-up weight
3. “Isabell”
Complete this benchmark WOD for time as follows
30 x Snatch (135/95lbs)
Notes: This may be a Full Snatch or Power Snatch movement. Athletes will be advised on scaling weight to that which they may execute with intensity and a target time of 10 minutes or less. Take good notes and log your scores for reference as this is a benchmark WOD we will be seeing again. Get some, freaks!
Post scores to comments.
4. Skill Development
Alternating 1:00 x 2:00 intervals of Double-unders and optional Turkish Get-ups, Back Extensions, and Hollow Rocks/Abmat Sit-ups. This will be structured in two versions with goal rep ranges for athletes that either have something left in the tank, or left it all out there in their Isabell attempts.
Isabel: 3:46 (55#)
5:45 Rx
Isabel: 30 x 80# @ 5:00