Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Front Squat (WK4)
Warm up as needed with 3 sets x 3-5 reps (climbing weight) before completing the following workload for Front Squat.
Every 2:00 minutes for 5 Rounds
3-3-3-3-3 x Front Squat (70-80% of 1RM)
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“Persistence Hunting”
Complete as many reps/meters as possible for each movement within the time allotted
5:00 x Ground-2-Overhead (lbs)
4:00 x Toes-2 bar
3:00 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
2:00 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
1:00 x Burpees
Notes: Select preferred method and weight for the ground to overhead movement.
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