Wednesday 06.17.2020

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I. ROMWOD: Select 1 of the following options

(12:00 or 20:00 minute versions available)
Poses include repeats of the following
Seated Forward Fold

Gear: Abmat/Blanket, Ball/Block, Medicine Ball “Rerun” Link found HERE.


“Conquer From Within”
(13:00 or 20:00 minute versions available)
Poses include repeats of the following
Puppy Dog
Seated Straddle
Cross Shin
Seated Forward Fold

Gear: Abmat/Blanket, Medicine Ball “Conquer From Within” Link found HERE.

II. Warm-up Series
Row 21/15kcal
Then, 3 Rounds of
5 x Push-ups
10 x Lunges
10 x PVC Passthroughs
20 x Deadbugs

III. Mobility Drills

AMRAP 8:00 of
Row 21/15kcal
10 x Toes-to-Bar (V-ups)
10 x Box Jumps
10 x Reverse Burpees

Rest 2:00

AMRAP 7:00 of
Row 21/15kcal
10 x Toes-to-Bar (V-ups)
10 x Box Jumps
10 x Reverse Burpees

Notes: Substitutions for scaling today will be V-ups for Toes-to-Bar and 10 x Abmat Sit-ups + 10 x Air Squats for the Reverse Burpees (scaling for the Haters…).

Begin the second AMRAP where the first AMRAP concludes for one total score.

Post scores to comments.

Skill Development: Extra Credit assigned time permitting via Barbell Rows and Ring Holds.

Samy Daghir

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