Monday 08.24.2020

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Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. 2 Rounds of
7 x Power Snatch
7 x Overhead Squat
10 x Reverse Lunges in Place (5L+5R)
III. Dynamic Drills
IV. Mobility & Yoga Poses

Notes: Special Emphasis on Overhead Mobility ie Anterior Shoulder, Compartment, and Pec Minor. Mash Tri’s.

Impact/Focus: Technique & Warm-up EMOTM
Every minute on the minute for 7-10 rounds complete the following with empty bars through light warm-up weights to emphasize and refresh movement points of performance.

Power Snatch x 2-5 reps @ light to moderate weight

Notes: Special Emphasis on Overhead Mobility ie Anterior Shoulder, Compartment, and Pec Minor. Mash Tri’s.

Notes: Special Emphasis on Overhead Mobility ie Anterior Shoulder, Compartment, and Pec Minor. Mash Tri’s.

Complete this benchmark WOD for time as follows
30 x Snatch (135/95lbs)

Notes: This may be a Full Snatch or Power Snatch movement. Scale weight to that which they may execute with intensity and a target time of 10 minutes or less. Take good notes and log your scores for reference as this is a benchmark WOD we will be seeing again. Get some, ninjas!

Post scores to comments.

Post WOD recovery METCON:
2 Rounds for time of
Row 500m
15 x Deadhang Pull-ups or Ring Row
25 x Air Squat

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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