Warm-up Drills
I. Run 200m
II. 2 Rounds of
7 x Deadlift
7 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull
7 x Push-ups
10 x Hollow Rocks
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Deadlift E2MOT2M
Warm-up sets/reps (3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps each, building up to an ideal starting weight for the final warm-up effort.
Complete the following every 2:00, climbing in weight as able.
Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-3RM
- Warm-up with sets/reps similar to the guideline shown below.
- Emphasize and apply points of performance for the Deadlift during warm-up sets and reps so that technique is primed to perform well through consistently safe, effective movements during the WOD. The Deadlift Strength training will be guided via the clock set to repeat and sound off while running 2:00 intervals.
- Climb weight across sets as able.
- Establish the best 5 rep and 3 rep sets with sound technique and consistent mechanics during warm-ups and working sets..
- Warm-up set/rep recommendations, based on 1 rep maximum.
- 5 reps x 45%
- 3 to 5 reps x 55%
- 3 to 5 reps x 65%
- 3 to 5 reps x 75%
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds, scoring the lowest number per movement)
:45 Max Reps x :15 Rest
:45 Max Reps of Pull-ups / Ring Row
:45 Max Reps of V-ups / Tuck-ups
:45 Max Reps of (20/14lbs)
:45 Max Reps of Slamball
1:00 Minute Rest Intervals between each of the round.
- Scaling for the movement continuum across each of the exercise tasks in today’s WOD will be covered in detail during the whiteboard brief.
- Scoring for the above WOD will be reporting and login-ish only the lowest number achieved per sets.
Post scores to comments.
Deadlift: 315#x3
Huckleberries: (lowest # per set)
Ring rows – 15
V-ups- 20
Slam ball – 20
G2OH (25#) – 20
“Deadlift” : 265 x 3
“Huckleberries”: 14/7/20/12
PU/T2B/8# Hammer/14# Medball
Deadlift: 185
Huckleberries: 11 (pull-ups)/ 7 (T2B)/ 23 (10# hammer)/ 11