Friday 11.06.2020

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Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
2 Rounds of
7 x Deadlift
7 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pull
10 x Deadbugs
10 x Bird Dogs
II. Dynamic Drills & ‘Scorpion/Yogi Sandwich’
III. Mobility Drills

Notes: Emphasis on breathing and val salva during Deadbugs and Bird Dogs to reinforce the same for application with multi rep deadlift sets today.

Impact/Focus: Deadlift 5×5 Week 3

Warm-up as needed before working through the following every 2:00.

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

**Week 3 Deadlift Sets + 10-15 lbs from previous week.


  • For week 3 we will continue adding an additional 5 to 15 lbs .
  • The new weight this week will be used for all of today’s Deadlift working sets.

Post scores to comments.

Complete for time
Run 400m

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Bumper Plate Devil’s Press (45/35lbs)

Finish with
Run 400m


  • Today athletes will be given the option of utilizing either a Bumper Plate for the Devil’s Press or taking on a pair of Dumbbells or the Dumbbell Manmaker version of the movement.
  • The Devil’s Press emphasizes more posterior chain for portions of the movement compared to the Manmaker which prioritizes more squat mechanics (quads…).
  • Both movements will be instructed for athletes to choose between.
  • Part of the training intent today is to give perspective on multiple strategies of physicality available as we move towards challenging tasks ahead such as the Manion Hero WOD.
  • Toes-to-Bar may be scaled to hanging knee raises at 2 x the number of repetitions or V-ups, also at 2 x the number of repetitions assigned per round.
  • There will be a 15:00 time cap on today’s training.
  • Those with a little extra time to rep out today may scale the WOD format up to an Rx+ 25:00 AMRAP where each subsequent round begins with 10 x Dumbbell Manmakers at 50lbs or heavier and Concludes with a 400m Sprint.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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