Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. Dynamic Series & Foam Rolling
(Lat and Overhead Mobility emphasis during foam rolling)
IV. Mobility Drills
Impact/Focus: Press 1RM
Warm-up as needed, examples and guidance will be provided during the whiteboard brief, before establishing a new Press 1-rep maximum personal record.
Versus a 20:00 time cap establish a Press 1RM
Post scores to comments.
Complete for time
150 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
- This is a Benchmark workout today.
- Log this benchmark score for comparison to future attempts.
- Scaling will be covered during whiteboard brief.
- Compare to last “Karen” training date linked HERE from 09.28.2020.
Post times to comments.
Press 1 Rep Max
5:22 rx (60 reps on first set)