Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. Mobility & WOD Specific Prep
– Dynamic Drills
– Banded Hammies + High Front Rack
– Couch Stretch + Figure-4 w/ B.Bridges
– Movement Review & Warm-up
Impact/Focus: Tempo Pull-ups & Dumbbell Presses
Alternating between the following tasks complete 12 Rounds, on the :75 seconds with strict and deliberate attention to detail executing the tempo workloads assigned at ‘1120’.
Odd Minutes #1,3,5,7,9,11:
3-5 reps @1120 Tempo of
Strict Pull-ups or Strict Banded Pull-ups / Ring Rows
Even Minutes #2,4,6,8,10,12:
3 reps @1120 Tempo of
Dumbbell Press (strict)
3 reps w/no Tempo Assignment of
Dumbbell Push Press
- Tempo numbers are usually in sets of 3 or 4 numbers; each relates to the time for a respective phase of an exercise’s execution.
- Today the tempo we will be using is 1120 for both the Pull-ups and Dumbbell Presses; Please see below for the descriptions of how to apply the 1120 Tempo assignment to each movements respective parts.
- Tempo 1120 x Pull-ups
1 = one second for the Pull-up
1 = one second hold at the top of the rep
2 = a two second, deliberate, controlled descent through the Pull-up negative range of motion
0 = the amount of time between finishing the two second ‘negative’ and the start of the next rep. - Tempo 1120 x Dumbbell Presses
1 = one second for the Press to move overhead to lock-out.
1 = one second hold at the top of the reps range of motion, stable with elbows locked out.
2 = a two second, deliberate, controlled negative during the return to Front Rack (ie.Starting ROM/Shoulders).
0 = the amount of time between finishing the two second ‘negative’ and the start of the next rep. - Dumbbell set of Press into Push Press Intentions; Movement flow predisposes efficacy in training the Power Position and Strength/skill Transfer reinforcement for Press to Push Press.
- Additional points to be made as to observable or individually experienced data points relating to core stability and functional implications of work capacity and movement efficiency.
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For time vs an 18:00 Time Cap
Run 200m
Then; 1 Round of
22 x Ring Rows
22 x Ring Dips
Run 400m,
Then; 2 Rounds of
16 x Ring Rows
16 x Ring Dips
Run 800m
Then; 3 Rounds of
10 x Ring Rows
10 x Ring Dips
Then; Finish with…
200m Max Effort Run
- Scaling protocol for today and the potential utility and role of this in a progression of Ring Skill confidence and movement/hold capacity will involve set-ups and substitutions for the Ring Dips with Shoot-Thru apparatus.
- Scaling and points of performance for the day will be fleshed out during our whiteboard brief.
- Shoot Thru Movement Description & Steps
1. Push-up with hollow body position and hands on Paralettes /s
2. Hip Drive and drop into Dip at bottom/floor
3. Complete Dip Rep ROM (‘range of motion’)
4. Hip Drive after Straight-arm Pendulum into Reverse at starting position (plank with hollow body).
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