Tuesday 08.16.2022

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“Greater love hath no one than this; that they lay down their life for their friends.”

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or 2:00 x Jumprope
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Mobility & Yoga Poses

Complete for time
10-8-6-4-2 x Power Cleans (165/110lbs)
50-40-30-20-10 x Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lbs)
50-40-30-20-10 x Double-unders

10-8-6-4-2 x Power Cleans
50-40-30-20-10 x Overhead Walking Lunges
50-40-30-20-10 x Double-unders

Notes: Training flow example; Round 1 runs as 10 x Power Cleans + 50 x Overhead Walking Lunges + 50 x Double-unders.
Scaled HERO WOD substitutions for today would be adjusting/scaling the weight for Power Cleans, 1:1 for Doubles to Singles, and unweighted walking lunges. The objective time limit gives additional incentive to move expeditiously through this challenging evolution. We will provide a soft time cap and hard time cap for each class.

Thank you to all those who participate with us today in remembering the sacrifice these two Marines made.

Post scores and thoughts to comments.

“Captain John McKenna in command of a Marine foot patrol in Fallujah, were ambushed with sniper and small arms fire by Mujihadeen insurgent fighters. During the attack’s commencement Lance Corporal Michael Glover, who was the point man for the patrol and had just reached the opposite corner of an intersection was struck by enemy sniper fire and lay mortally wounded on the ground. Capt McKenna immediately called for his men to throw smoke grenades around LCpl. Glover to conceal and obscure him from incoming rounds. Captain McKenna ordered his men to maintain their defensive positions and establish cover as he sprinted into the cloud of smoke in order to aid LCpl. Glover. As Captain McKenna was dragging LCpl. Glover to safety a sniper round hit him in the head, killing him instantly.
Captain John McKenna received the Silver Star for his incredible actions that day. Ignoring his own imminent peril from heavy incoming fire, Captain McKenna ran into the intersection in an effort to save his Marine. While exposed to enemy fire he calmly knelt next to the stricken Marine, assessing his condition. Captain McKenna began dragging LCpl Glover towards cover and a Corpsman’s aid; he was killed before he could make it to safety.”

CAPTAIN MCKENNA: Memorial Article found HERE.

Samy Daghir

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