Tuesday 12.06.2022

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Mel navigating ropes like nothing burgers. YESSSSSS!

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Shoulder, Chest & Overhead Mobility Drills
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review

Impact/Focus: Ring Dips & Support Holds
Complete the following dynamic + static tasks for the following work/rest intervals.

Working :20 x Rest :40 seconds x 10 Rounds
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps
5 to 10 seconds of Ring Support or L-sit Hold

(**Strict Ring Dips or Scaled Dips)

Notes: Additional points of performance, range of motion objectives, and scaling through Rx+ options will be covered during the whiteboard brief. Example option: Scaled Dips, Ring Push-ups or Push-ups + Static Hold of Core via L-sit or Plank holds.

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Complete 5 Rounds for time of
5 x Wallwalks
15 x Slamball
35 x Double-unders


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Skill Development
4 x 12-15 reps
GHD Back Extensions with a :01 negative per rep.

Samy Daghir

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