Warm-up Drills
I. Row 30/20kcal
II. Coach’s Choice Dynamic Experiments
III. Mobility (Pigeon, Puppy Dog Shoulder Complex & Lax Ball Pec Mashing)
Impact/Focus: Strict Pull-ups & Dips
Work through the following sets of Strict Pull-ups/Strict Dips Every Minute On The Minute (EMOTM) X 10:00.
Every :60 x 10 Rounds
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Strict Pull-ups
Strict Ring or Static Dips
*Pull-ups & Dips are completed together per minute/round.
- On the first minute athletes will complete their 10 x Pull-up + 10 x Dip repsPull-ups may substitute strict banded work or strict Ring Rows.
- As needed there are two scaled rep volumes/workloads that may be used; 5-4-3-2-1-5-4-3-2-1 per minute of Pulling & Pushing reps (5 x Pull + 5 x Push for minute 1, 4 x Pull + 4 x Push for minute 2, etc.) or…
- Pulling movements may be placed on odd minutes and Pushing movements on even minutes to separate the movements with structured rest.
- Athletes may scale reps up to a Chest-to-Bar range of motion or add a weight vest/Med Ball to increase the challenge level of strict Pulling work.
- Adding weight also applies to progressions of the strict Ring or Static Dips.
- Emphasis is on the strict execution of reps, break up sets as needed.
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“Target Practice”
Complete As Many Rounds & Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 14:00 of
Row 20/14kcal
10 x Toes-to-Bar
20 x Wallball (20/14lbs to 10/9ft targets)
*During the first 7:00 attempt to complete Strict core movements, for the final 7:00 athlete’s should incorporate kipping skill sets as applicable.
- Scaling for Toes-to-Bar is 1:1 for today with movements progressions beginning from V-ups and floor drills to Hanging Knee Raises to Knees-to-elbows.
- For Wallball we will scale the squat first to ensure proper range of motion and capacity development before we look to use this position as a way to establish a solid base for the more ‘fun’ application this exercises ROM.
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