Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 2:00
II. Coach’s Choice**
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Back Squat
Warm-up Sets/Reps building to an intended starting weight.
Every 2:30 x 6 Rounds Total
Back Squat x 3-3-3-2-2-2 reps (Climb weight as able)
Notes: Hit the best 3 rep and 2 rep for the day or establish PR rep records if within range. Movement quality and position integrity at depth will be prioritized from warm-up through working sets.
Post scores to comments.
Complete 3 Rounds, each individually timed of
Row 500m
20 x Push-ups
35 x Abmat Sit-ups
50 x Air Squats
**Rest 2:00 between rounds**
Notes: Scaling and Rx+ details will be revealed during the whiteboard brief. Metabolic Conditioning emphasis for today should utilize target pacing goals for the 500m Row based on performance during last weeks 500m Time Trial. Bring your data and we will spool you up, Ninjas.
Post scores to comments.
1.84 mile trail run warm up
Impact/Focus: Back Squat
6:16, 6:26, 6:08
Notes: jessssssss ????????✨
Extra Building stuff…
Shoulder press 20lbs 4x 10
Bench press DB 20lbs 4×10
RDL with 2 (35lbs) DB 10×10
DB Hip Thrust (35lbs) – 4×10(2 sec squeeze at top).
Leg Press, feet high and wide on platform (50lbs) 10×10
Seated Calf raises – 4 sets of 12 Single leg hamstring curl (40lbs) – 3×8