Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Gymnasty Holds & Movers
Range of motion, applied core control & movement quality are the points of performance for the following triplet of gymnastic tasks:
5 Rounds of :20 work x :30 rest
Max Reps Strict Pull-ups/Ring Row
+ Finish the work interval with:
Active Hang at top of Pull-up/Ring Row
5 Rounds of :20 work x :30 rest
Max Rep Set of Ring Dip/Bench Dip/Push-ups
+ Finish the work interval with:
Hold top of Ring Dip (Support Position/Plank/etc.)
5 Rounds of :20 work x :30 rest
Hold L-sit or Hollow Rocks for max reps
+ Finish the work interval with:
Plank Hold
Work through all five rounds of each movement before moving onto the next task.
Work for max reps possible in (preferably) one unbroken set before performing the static holds for the Pull, Push & Core Stability until the work interval concludes.
Example: Perform 6-8 strict Pull-ups (which takes about :14 seconds in this scenario) + Active Hang at the top from bar for remaining 6 seconds.
Each 20 seconds of work is split between the max rep set and then time remaining spent in the hold, with L-sits being for max time.
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“Fun Dip”
7:00 AMRAP of
8 x Lateral Burpees (Over Dumbbell)
14 x DB Walking Lunges (Low Carry)
Rest 1:30
7:00 AMRAP of
8 x Burpees
25ft x Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry
Notes: Rx weights for today are 2 x 50/35lb Dumbbells. Not yet fulfilled from Monday’s Dumbbell Snatch WOD? … Devil’s Press upgrade to Burpees for those feeling extra frisky today. Additional scaling details and training points of performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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