Tuesday 05.21.2024

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Gene & Paul helping with rig upgrades; up on dem tippies putting a Speal Bar in, YESSSSS!!! (we had ladders)

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
*Emphasis on Overhead mobility; Addressing Lats, Scaps, Traps & External Rotation of the arms for today’s weightlifting tasks.

Impact/Focus: Full (Squat) or Power Snatch 1RM
Warm-up sets, technique and points of performance review.

Vs. a 15:00 Running Clock
Full (Squat) or Power Snatch 1RM
+ 2 sets 3 reps @lighter/drop set weight (60-70% range or less)

Notes: Climb weight as able, reps do not have to be connected. Athletes may select a Power or Full Snatch movement. Leave enough time for 2 sets of 3 reps at a drop set/iighter weight to finish with; these sets are for applying any remedial technique improvements & recovery movement patterns. Athletes may also perform single reps in a learning/movement development emphasis.

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5 Rounds for time
(16:00 soft time cap)
16 x Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs)
16 x V-ups
Run 200m

Notes: Movement points of performance, scaling options and additional training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief. Those feeling an extra core challenge today may thank Charlie for the optional 16 x Hollow Rocks per round, same time cap. And of course! Athletes are welcome to scale up on any of the runs…

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Samy Daghir

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