#Savvy Saturday 09.28.2024

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YASSSSSSS we do!!!!!

#Savvy Saturday (Ya Heard…)

Today’s Training is structured as a Three Piece suit, and may be completed in partial or in any order as per individual discretion.

Part I. The CrossFit Mainsite WOD from 09.25.2024
“Annie With A Twist”
Versus a 15:00 Running Clock
Complete for time
Double-unders x 50-40-30-20-10
Toes-to-Bar x 25-20-15-10-5
*At the end of each of the five rounds complete:
3 x Snatch (135/95lbs)
**Any time remaining on the 15:00 Clock:
Continue climbing in weight to a 1RM Snatch for the day/PR.

Rest 6-10 minutes

Part II. Alternating EMOTM
“EMOTM With A Twist”
4-6 Rounds of the following Alternating EMOTM

Minute 1: 5 x Pull-ups
Minute 2: 5 x Bench Press
Minute 3: 8 x Dumbbell Step-ups/Overs or 8 x Rack Lunges
Minute 4: 10 x Burpees, 10 x Box Jumps, or 10 x Burpee Box Jumps
Minute 5: Rest

Notes: Pull-ups may be Strict or Kipping (bias to strict work), Chest-to-Bar ROM or Weighted reps are viable for this training format as well. Bench Press guidance would be 75/50% x Bodyweight on the bar. 2 x Dumbbells at a challenging weight or likewise on a Barbell taken from the rack. Minute 4 is a choice of plyometric movements or a compound combination of the options.
Athletes may work through 4, 5 or 6 rounds of the alternating EMOTM above OR spice it up with a 100 rep goal for each movement and attempt to complete the workload in as few intervals as possible.

Rest 6-10 minutes

Part III. Efficacy of Balance & Accessory
“Evergladed” (spoiler alert)
Complete for time/quality
Row 10-20-30-40kcal
Run 400-300-200-100m

Finish with the following for Quality
4 sets x 15 reps of GHD Back Extensions
5 reps each of single leg bridges with 5 second iso hold
Couch Stretch
Pigeon or Fig-4 drill of choice
External and Overhead Range of Motion Mobility Cherry on Top

Samy Daghir

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