Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Dynamics & Mobility
Impact/Focus: Grunt Work Grounding
Warm-up sets/reps building to intended working weights and movements.
5 Rounds, on the 3:00 of
2-4 x Turkish Get-ups
4 x First Aid Drill
6 x Sandball Over Shoulder
*Rest for the time remaining during each 3:00 interval.
Notes: Movement points of performance, scaling applications, and training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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3 Rounds for time of
21-15-9 x Front Squat (135/95lbs)
21-15-9 x Slamball (30/20lbs)
12-10-8 x 50ft Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry (2xDB/KB’s)
Notes: Movement points of performance, scaling applications, and training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
Post scores to comments.