Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
*Hips, Hammies, Hip Flexors & T-spine/Lats for today’s Mobility emphasis.
Impact/Focus: Deadlift WK1
Warm-up with sets and reps as needed building through the percentage based workload outlined below.
Use 90% of a 1 rep max Deadlift to ‘math out’ the target weight percentages for sets and reps.
Emphasis/Effort on the final set of max reps will be a recurring theme throughout our current strength training.
Recommended app support: ‘Wendler 531’
Versus a 15:00 Running Clock
*2 minute minimum rest between the three working sets.
Warm-up Sets
10 reps x Empty Barbell
5 reps x <40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60%
Working Sets
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85% (max reps)
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“Hang Nail”
7 Rounds for time vs. a 15:00 time cap of
10 x Pull-ups
12 x Push-ups
15 x Bumper Plate Ground-to-Overhead (45/35lbs)
Notes: Additional Scaling and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief. Rx+ options for today would be 10 x Chest-t0-Bar Pull-ups or 5 x Bar Muscle-ups per round / 10 x Clapping Push-ups, Plyo Push-ups (jump hands onto bumper plates), Incline Push-ups (feet on bumper plate), or Deficit Push-ups (Hands on Bumper Plates) / Bumper G2OH @55/45lbs. Dropped or Slammed Plates = 5 x Burpee Tax.
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
Tabata L-sit Hold
8 x (:20 work x :10 rest)
Post WOD Cooldown & Stretch/Mobility/Recovery Efforts