Adjusted Rate Details

  • Civil Servant Discount - $20 off Unlimited Monthly Plan
  • Student Discount - College and high school students (must show valid student ID) $20 off Unlimited Monthly Plan
  • Couples Discount - $20 off Unlimited Monthly Plan ($10 per person)
  • Senior Discount - 65+ $20 off


On-Ramp Program - $185 (more details HERE)

Drop-In Policy 

We welcome drop-ins at CrossFit New Hampshire, we just have some helpful tips to know before starting!

  1. Send us an email to let us know which class you'd like to attend. Refer to our class schedule for class times. (Note: We require at least 24 hours notice of attendance to allow for proper planning, and all drop-ins are subject to the approval of a staff member.)
  2. Drop-in fee is $20. This will be collected through online payment prior to arrival. Drop-ins that are walk-ins that have not previously communicated with the staff are currently not accepted.
  3. Come in a few minutes early to get settled and meet our coaches!
  4. The drop-in policy applies to experienced CrossFitters only (i.e know how to scale workouts, be familiar with common CrossFit movements).
  5. If you are local and don’t have experience with CrossFit (worked out at an affiliate for an extended period of time (6 months or more)) refer to our “how to start” section and feel free to email/call us with any and all questions you have regarding CrossFit and CrossFit New Hampshire!

Other Services
Specialized Programming, Nutrition Counseling & Coaching Services are available pending an individual consultation and assessment.

For more information on our memberships, fill out the contact form below.

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