Warm-up Drills
I. Row 750m
II. 2 Rounds for Quality of
10 x KB Suitcase Deadlift (24/16kg)
7 x KB Deadlift High-Pull 24/16kg)
7 x KB Goblet Squat (24/16kg)
10 x KB Push Press (24/16kg)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Pull-up, Chin-up, Rope Climb & Muscle-up Benchmarks
Establish individual baseline scores from the following Pull-up, Chin-up, Rope Climb, and Muscle-up benchmark testing options.
Weighted Pull-up/Chin-up Tests
I. Weighted Pull-up (Overhand)
II. Weighted Chin-up (Underhand)
Pull-up/Chin-up Max Rep Tests
I. Max Reps L-sit Pull-ups/Chin-ups
I. Max Reps Deadhang Pull-ups/Chin-ups
II. Max Reps C2B Freestyle
III. Max Reps Band Assisted Pull-ups/Chin-ups
IV. Max Reps Body Row w/ Hip Assist (Bar Set-up) x 2:00
Rope Climb Tests
I. Max L-sit Rope Climbs without resting on the deck
II. Max Rope Climb Ascents Legs Free x 3:00
III. Max Rope Climb Ascents w/ Legs x 3:00
IV. Max Reps Rope Climb Prone to Standing Scaled Version x 3:00
V. 1RM Weighted Rope Climb
Notes: Newer athletes will be focusing on establishing scaled movement standards/understanding of progressions to strive for regarding training the above skill sets.
Post scores to comments.
“Sand(y) Chafes Ze Crotch”
Complete as many Rounds/Reps as possible in 12:00 of
6 x Sandbag Ground-to-Shoulder + Lateral Burpee
12 x Weighted Pistols (R+L=1 Rep)
15 x KB Swings (24/16kg)
Post scores to comments.
Sandy got nothing on us as WOD-ers!!
Sandy got nothing on us as WOD-ers!!