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Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00 minutes
II. 2 Rounds
20ft Duck walk
20ft Bear crawl
20ft Crab walk
20ft Forward rolls
20ft Lateral lunges
20ft Inch worms
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Back Squat 5-3-1+
Work through the following percentage based sets outlined below, using 1RM x .9 to establish a submaximal starting weight.
Percentages for sets and reps are derived from this number.
The final set is a “+” set which means each athlete will attempt to execute as many additional repetitions as possible beyond the initial rep load prescribed.

5 x 40%
5 x 50%
5 x 60%
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1+ x 95%

Post sets/reps/loads to comments.

“Pyramid Jackie”
For time
Row 500m
25x Thrusters (65/45lbs)
30x Pull-ups
25x Thrusters (65/45lbs)
Row 500m

Post scores to comments.

Skill Development
Accumulate :60 seconds for each of the following isometric holds
Ring Support
L-sit/ V-sit
Left Plank
Right Plank

Samy Daghir

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