Warm-up Drills
I. Row 3 Minutes
II. 2 Rounds for Quality of:
5 x Deadlift (45lbs)
5 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (45lbs)
5 x Front Squat (45lbs)
5 x Push Press (45lbs)
III. Mobility
“The Nightmare Before Christmas”
Twelve Epic Rounds for time where Round 1 is movement number 1, Round 2 would be movement number 1 + movement number 2… Continue in this fashion until all 12 Rounds have been merrily completed:
1 x Clean and Jerk (135/95lbs)
2 x Muscle-ups
3 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
4 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
5 x Push Press (135/95lbs)
6 x Pull-ups
7 x Box Jumps (24/20”)
8 x Pistols (alt.legs)
9 x Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (32/24kg)
10 x Burpees
11 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
12 x Handstand Push-ups
Post times to comments.
“The Nightmare Before Christmas”
35:00 time cap.
Finished everything in the twelfth round except Handstand Push-ups.
It was an awesome sight to see over 40+ athletes fill the gym at 1pm! Great to see our massive space being put to full use. Merry Christmas everyone!
“The Nightmare Before Christmas”
35:00 time cap.
Finished everything in the twelfth round except Handstand Push-ups.
It was an awesome sight to see over 40+ athletes fill the gym at 1pm! Great to see our massive space being put to full use. Merry Christmas everyone!
Collum: 11 rounds + 8 burpees
Peter: 9 Rounds + 5 Press
Collum: 11 rounds + 8 burpees
Peter: 9 Rounds + 5 Press