Warm-up Drills
I. Run 800m
II. 6:00 AMRAP of
20ft Duck Walk
20ft Crab Walk
20ft Bear Crawl
20ft Leg Kicks
20ft Lateral Lunges
20ft Inchworms/Hollow Support
III. Individual Mobility
Impact/Focus: Snatch or Clean EMOTM
EMOTM for 8:00 execute one of the following options:
I. 1 x Snatch Pull + 1 x Squat Snatch
II. 1 x Clean Pull + 1 x Clean
Post sets/reps/loads to comments.
“Tired Eyes”
Against 12:00 running clock climb as high as possible (even numbers only)
C2B Pull-ups (2-4-6-8…)
Pistols (2-4-6-8…)
Double-unders (10-20-30-40…)
Post scores completed to comments.
Tired Eyes 8 + 70
Cleans: DNF due to elbow – apparently tennis elbow, though I don’t play tennis and I’m not left handed. However, I bow to the medical experts among our athletes.
Tired Eyes – Mix of I, II and III (C-2-B; Pistols on 18″ stack of bumpers; and (of course) SU’s )
6 Rounds completed. (Make it up as you go along)
Clean “ETOTT” tm Dave Robichaud
95# all reps
Tired Eyes Combo II
4 rounds + 10 assisted pu, 10 pistols, 5 double unders