Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2 Rounds of
20ft Duck Walk
20ft Crab Walk
20ft Bear Crawl
20ft Leg Kicks
20ft Lateral Lunges
20ft Inchworms/Hollow Support
III. Mobility
AMRAP in 5:00 of
3 x Ground-2-Overhead (135/95lbs)
5 x Burpees
30 x Double-unders
Rest 1:00
AMRAP in 5:00 of
2 x Ground-2-Overhead (135/95lbs)
5 x Burpees
20 x Double-unders
Rest 1:00
AMRAP in 5:00 of
1 x Ground-2-Overhead (135/95lbs)
5 x Burpees
10 x Double-unders
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
Work through the following:
I. Work through 8-12 repetitions of challenging Handstand Push-ups
II. Accumulate 1:00 of honest and controlled handstand walking (advanced movements will be encouraged for the talented invertible CFers out there).
1/ 1+ 7/ 2 Double under attempts
A.W.A.L.L. : 3 rnds/3 rnds + Burpees/3 rnds + Burpees
w/95# and 3x SU’s