Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2 Rounds of
5 x Pull-ups
7 x KB Swings
9 x Medicine Ball Cleans (40/20lbs)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Warm up as necessary (2-3 sets x 3-5 reps each) before completing the workload below.
Front Squat x 5-5-5-5-5
Post load to comments
“Perfect Practice”
Run 400m
Complete 15-12-9-6-3 reps of
Squat Clean (135/95lbs)
Lateral Burpees (over bar)
Post scores to comments.
Front Squat: 205 x 5
(225 x2)
“Perfect Practice”
16:58 Rx
(*PR: 5 Contiguous Deadhang Muscle Up’s)
Front Squat: 205 x 5
(225 x2)
“Perfect Practice”
16:58 Rx
(*PR: 5 Contiguous Deadhang Muscle Up’s)
Front Squat: 185 x 5
“Perfect Practice”
17:07 (115#)
Front Squat: 185 x 5
“Perfect Practice”
17:07 (115#)
Front Squat: 155 x 5
Perfect Practice : 18:43 (95#)
Front Squat: 155 x 5
Perfect Practice : 18:43 (95#)
Front squat 245 x 4
Perfect practice 28:16
Front squat 245 x 4
Perfect practice 28:16