Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2 rounds of
6 x Deadlift (45/30lbs)
6 x Hang Power Cleans (45/30lbs)
6 x Front Squat (45/30lbs)
6 x Push Press (45/30lbs)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1RM
Warm-up with 3 sets x 5 reps each @40-60%1RM before working up to a Deadlift single repetition maximum.
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1RM
Post sets/reps/loads to comments.
“Hang On”
For time
25 x Thrusters (95/65lbs)
25 x Toes-2-Bar/K2E
25 x Box Jumps (24/20”)
25 x Toes-2-Bar/K2E
25 x Thrusters (95/65lbs)
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
6 Rounds of (:20 on x :10 rest)
6 Rounds of (:20 on x :10 rest)
Ring Support
Deadlift: 285 #
Hang On: 18:43 (75#, 24″, T2B)