Warm-up Drills
I. Speed Rope 2:00
II. 6:00 AMRAP of
20ft Duck Walk
20ft Crab Walk
20ft Bear Crawl
20ft Bear Crawl (Bent legs)
20ft Bear Crawl (Straight legs)
20ft Broad Jumps
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Press 5-5-5+
Work through the following percentage based sets outlined below.
To determine loads multiply 1RM by .9 with percentages being derived from the resulting number.
The final set is a ”+” set which means each athlete will attempt to execute as many additional repetitions as possible beyond the initial rep load prescribed.
5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
3 x 60% (warm-up)
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%
Post loads to comments.
“Autumn Open WOD 3”
For time (20:00 cutoff)
100 x Double-unders
50 x Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
75 x Double-unders
30 x Box Jumps (30/24”)
50 x Double-unders
10 x Deadlifts (275/185lbs)
25 x Double-unders
Post scores to comments.
Press 1RM 73#
“Autumn Open WOD #3”
20:00/ 30 box jumps
65# Press (3x’s)
Autumn Open WOD #3 19:15
14# WB
24″ Box
125# DL
300,225,150,75 Single Unders
Substitute for presses: squat 110×5, 125×5, 145×9
“Autumn open”
14# wall ball
24″ box
165# deads
20:00 – finished all but last set of doubles
“Press 5-5-5+” 85# x 9
“Autumn Open WOD #3″ 13:42
125# x 5
“Autumn Open”
11:15 Rx
Press: 65×8
Wod: 15:22 RX except single unders
65 X 10.
“Autumn open” 10:20.
Press: #85 x 6
Autumn Open:
20:00 Cap (MOD 24″ box Jumps and DU attempts)
Press: #65 x 5
Autumn Open: