Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 6:00 AMRAP of
20ft Duck Walk
20ft Crab Walk
20ft Bear Crawl
20ft Leg Kicks
20ft Lateral Lunges
20ft Inchworms/Hollow Support
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Back Squat/Front Squat
Continue with your current plan for the squat cycle.
I. Back Squat:
4 x 70%
4 x 75%
4 x 80%
4 x 85%
II. Front Squats:
5 x 65%
4 x 75%
4 x 80%
4 x 85%
Post sets/reps to comments.
“2013 World Series Champions”
Complete for time in teams of 2 athletes
Row 500m
15 x Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
31 x Handstand Push-ups
34 x Pull-ups
41 x KB Swings (32/24kg)
65 x GHD/Abmat Sit-ups
97 x Double-unders
Notes: Only one teammate may be working at a time. Keep diligent count, reps may be partitioned as needed.
Post times to comments.
Front squat B 110×4
2013 World Series Champs: Alison & Nina 15:58
Back squat 320 x 4
Front squat 225 x 5
2013 WSC 10:50 Mod