Warm-up Drills
I. Row 750m
II. 2 rounds of
5 x Chin-ups
7 x Hollow Rocks (2ct)
10 x Hindu Push-ups (2ct)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Hang Clean 3-3-3-3-3
Warm up as necessary before completing the following workload.
Hang Clean 3-3-3-3-3
Notes: All 3 repetitions are from the hang position. The bar does not touch the ground until all 3 reps are completed.
Post sets/reps to comments.
“Atlas Endures”
For time
30 x Overhead Squat (115/75lbs)
30 x Toes-2-Bar/K2E’s
20 x Power Snatch (115/75lbs)
20 x Toes-2-Bar/K2E’s
10 x Squat Snatch (115/75lbs)
10 x Toes-2-Bar/K2E’s
Post scores to comments.
Hang Clean Triples 155 x 3
Atlas Endures 17:03 Modified (95#/Abmat)
Hang Clean Triples 175 x 2
Atlas Endures 20:00 Modified (115#/Abmat)
Hang Clean Triples 155 x 3
Atlas Endures 17:03 Modified (95#/Abmat)
“Hang Clean Triples” : 115 x 3
“Atlas Endures” : 16:47
Modified : 35# OHS/85# Power Snatch/85# Squat Cleans & T2B
Hang cleans: 105×3
WOD: 18:55 (mod – 65 o/h, 85 c&j)