Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 2 rounds of
7 x Deadlifts (45/30lbs)
7 x Hang Cleans (45/30lbs)
7 x Front Squats (45/30lbs)
7 x Push Press (45/30lbs)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Snatch
Work through the following 3 movement Barbell Snatch Complex.
5-6 sets of
1 x Snatch Grip Deadlift
1 x Hang Snatch
1 x Snatch
Post sets/reps/loads to comments.
“Money Maker”
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 7:00 of
6 x Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
10 x Pistols (5L/5R alt)
Rest 3:00
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 7:00 of
10 x Toes-2-Bar
10 x Box Jumps (30/24”)
Post scores to comments.
Money Maker 3+6/3+10
“Snatch Complex”: 85# (no squats)
“Money Maker” : 4+5/4+5
(115#/Pistols to 16″/24″ box)
Snatch complex: 75#
Money maker: 4+3 @ 95# / 3