Warm-up Drills
I. Speed Rope x 3:00
II. 3 Rounds of
5 x Deadhang Chin-ups
10 x Push-ups (CFGS)
10 x Wall Squats
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus Training: Turkish Get-ups
Against a 12:00 Running Clock work up to and attempt to establish a Turkish Get-up Personal Record.
Notes: Successful lifts require one repetition executed on both Right and Left.
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“A Barbell Humbler”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of
5 x Thruster (95/65lbs)
7 x Hang Power Clean (95/65lbs)
10 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (95/65lbs)
Skill Development
3-5 Rounds for practice/familiarization
10 x Back Extensions (Snake)
10 x Hip Extensions
:20 x L-sit/Tuck Sit
Turkish Get-ups 24kg
Barbell Humbler 4rds