Warm-up Drills
I. 2 Rounds of
Indoor 100m Run
15 x KB Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (24/16kg)
Indoor 100m Run
15 x KB Swing (24/16kg)
II. Mobility
4 Rounds of
Max Reps x Bench Press (1xBW)
Max Reps x H2H KB Snatch (32/24kg)
Post scores to comments.
“C2 1200m Time Trial”
For time
Row 1200m
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
3:00 x AMRAP of
1 x Wall walks
1 x Abwheel/Barbell Roll-outs
8 Rounds of (:20 on x :10 rest)
Plank Drills (Prone, Left, Right Sides respectively for eight intervals each)
Ruinne Option I 13/11 11/11 10/7 9/5 (225/24)
C2 1200m TT 5:07
Skill development Abwheel rollout 3 x 10
“Ruinne II”: 115#/24kg 9/23: 9/20:10/18:9/18
“1200m TT”: 4:58.7
Good to be back, and yes, Florida was nice.
Ruinne: 10/12, 13/12, 8/12, 9/12 85# (55% bw) and 16kg kb snatches
1200m row TT: 5:00
“Ruinne” I: 215# & 32kg KB Snatch
10/14, 8/16, 7/16, 8/15
“C2-1200m TT”