Warm-up Drills
I. Run 800m
II. 3 Rounds of
Burgener Drill (45/30lbs)
III. 2 Rounds of
7 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
7 x Push-ups (CFGS)
IV. Mobility
Impact/Focus: EMOTM Olympic Lift Option
Every minute on the minute for 12:00 complete one of the following Olympic Lift Options:
I. 2 x Hang Power Clean
II. 2 x Hang Power Snatch
Post sets/reps/loads to comments.
“The Filthy Fifty”
For time
50 x Box Jumps (24/20″)
50 x Jumping Pull-ups
50 x Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
50 x Walking Lunges
50 x Knees-2-Elbows
50 x Push Press (65/45lbs)
50 x Back Extensions
50 x Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs)
50 x Burpees
50 x Double-unders
Post scores to comments.