All of us at CFNH would like to wish Josh (Joshstache) a big goodbye. Today he will be moving to Houston, TX to take a promotion with his work. It has been an honor to have him as an athlete and friend over the past 3 years. We will certainly miss your character and personality around the gym. Best of luck to you Josh.
Warm-up Drills
8:00 Athletic Warm-up
High Knees
Butt Kicks
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Pause Front Squats
The following percentages are based off of 3RM Front Squat from 05.28.2014. Each repetition is completed with 2-second pause at the bottom of the squat position. This is noted with “020 Tempo”. Warm-up sets should be done at normal speed.
3 x 70% 020 Tempo
3 x 75% 020 Tempo
2 x 3 x 80% 020 Tempo
Post loads to comments.
“After Burner”
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 5:00 of
8 x ‘American’ KB Swings (32/24)
20 x Mountain Climbers (2ct)
Rest 2:00
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 5:00 of
8 x KB Snatch (32/24)(4L/4R)
20 x Double-unders
Rest 1:00
Max Reps x 3:00 of
Sledgehammer Strikes
Post rounds/reps completed to comments.
“Front Squat” : 115# (Cross-arms due to wrist)
“After Burner”: 3 + 18/3+4/72 (24kg/45#DB/12# hammer)
Front Squat: 125×3
After Burner: 4 + 4 rx/2 + 7 (16kg kb)/60