Today is the Manchester Cigna 5K that will begin at 6:20pm. To our knowledge Elm St. and Canal St. will be closed at 5pm. Commercial St. and the Granite St. exit should be open. However please plan ahead if planning to attend the PM classes as their will be traffic and possible parking issues.
We have several members that are racing in the 5K and we want to wish them Good Luck! If you’re free, head over to the race and support your fellow athletes.
Warm-up Drills
I. Speed Rope 3:00
II. 6:00 AMRAP of
:20 Handstand Hold
10 x Walking Lunges
10 x Hollow Rocks
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Handstand Skills
Athletes will be taught multiple progressions for various handstand skills to develop handstand holds, freestanding handstands, and handstand walks.
Post gymast ninja status to comments.
“Grizzly Adams”
Complete for time
400m Sandbag Portage
Then… 4 rounds of
75ft x Bear Crawl
5 x Power Cleans (135/95)
50ft x Walking Lunges (135/95, Back Rack)
400m Sangbag Portage
Notes: The 75ft Bear Crawl will consist of traveling around 3 of the poles in the gym marked with red tape outside of the platform area. If needed athletes may adjust their weights for walking lunges, then reapply weights for Power Cleans. Get some freaks!
Post times to comments.
4, 19:58 65# clean 45# lunge
ninja level: panda
4, 19:58 65# clean 45# lunge
ninja level: panda
“Handstand Stuff”: 32 shoulder touches
“GrizzlyAdams”: 21:50 (95#)
Dead heat with Andrea
“Handstand Stuff”: 32 shoulder touches
“GrizzlyAdams”: 21:50 (95#)
Dead heat with Andrea