Announcement #1: We will be closed this Saturday Dec 13th, meaning NO open gym. Instead 11 of your fellow athletes will be competing in the Winter Warzone competition at CrossFit Earned in Merrimack, NH. The competition will run from 8am-3pm. Let’s show them your support by stopping by to cheer them on!
Announcement #2: Bring a Friend/Free Intro Workout for December will be Saturday December 20th @ 10:00AM. Invite your friends/family that are interested. Anyone who is visiting during the holidays is welcome to attend!
Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 2-3 rounds of
:20 x Handstand Hold
4 x Turkish Get-ups (2L/2R)
10 x Hollow Rocks
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus #1: Front Squat
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps each) before working up to a new 5-rep maximum effort for Front Squat.
Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Post loads to comments.
Impact/Focus #2: Push Press
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps each) before working through the five working sets of Push Press.
Push Press 5-4-3-2-1
Post loads to comments.
“Hammers Smash”
Complete 8 Rounds of :20 maximum effort x :10 rest of
Sledgehammer Strikes
Rest 1:00
Complete 8 Rounds of :20 maximum effort x :10 rest of
GHD/Abmat Sit-ups (anchored)
Post scores to comments.
Front Squat 225 x 5
Push Press 195 x 1
Hammers Smash 11/10
Ab Mat 10/8
Front Squat: 155×5 and then my knees complained so I did heavy singles and got to a new 1RM of 200#.
Push Press: 135×1
Sledgehammer Tabata: 14/13
Abmat Sit-Up Tabata: 12?/10
Push Press: 110×1
Front Squat 150 x 5
Hammers Smash 15/11
Ab Mat 11/8