Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. 2-3 rounds of
10 x Partner Medicine Ball Sit-ups
10 x Partner Wallball Toss (Over Rig)
10 x Partner Lateral Toss (15ft)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Shoulder Taps 10-20-30-40+
-Handstand Review
-Weight transfers
-Shoulder taps (same hand/same shoulder, alt. hand must touch shoulder each rep)
Notes: Athletes should focus on getting more comfortable in handstands. This will prepare athletes for free standing handstands, handstand push-ups and handstand walks. The last set is to try and do as many as possible before coming down (Hint: the faster you go the more you’ll get).
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21-15-9 for time of
Ring Dips
Notes: The Clean is recieved in the front squat position. This will be a re-testable metric for the Paleo Challenge.
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
21-15-9 reps/seconds of cumulative hold
Back Extensions
L-sit (matadors/paralettes/rings)
Elizabeth 16:00 Rx
Elizabeth 16:30 Rx
Throat feels like I inhaled a pound of dust…
Elizabeth 12:53 @ 95#/purple ring dips
Elizabeth 9:50 @ 65#/orange band/matador
I was lucky to have Ashley coach me through handstand points of performance and came away with a much improved skill set regarding free standing hand balancing. Thank you, frockles! Shoulder taps are murderously tough, gotta love those as well.
“Elizabeth” 9:57
“Elizabeth” 13:54 @ 105#
Samy asked if this was a PR. I said “probably not”. But, past records show this WOD only on a rare occasion. Last one I could find was 11/3/2010 when I did 19:19 @ 95#. Before visiting the gym today I looked up previous “Elizabeth” WODs and saw I did one last year at 105# and thought “I should do that again”.
But….turns out it was the “Power Elizabeth” version. After the round of 21 I was wondering how the heck my last time was 7:30?? and thought I must have omitted a digit off the front.
As I commented to Brenna after – “If this doesn’t give me a heart attach, nothing will”
So, in conclusion – a PR it most certainly is!