Warm-up Drills
I. 8:00 Dynamic Warm-up
Jog –> Run
High Knees
Grape Vines
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Pause Front Squats
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps 10X2 Tempo) before completing the workload below.
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (12X2 Tempo)
Notes: Tempo Explanation HERE
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“Ferrous Iron”
Complete 4 rounds for time of
Row 350m
12 x DB Deadlift (50/35)
9 x DB Hang Clean (50/35)
6 x DB Push Jerk (50/35)
Notes: Those looking for an additional challenge can perform this workout with kettle bells vs dumb bells.
Post times to comments.
205# x 3 Front Squat
15:33 Rx
205# x 3 Front Squat
15:33 Rx
Pause Front Squat 275 x 3
Ferrous Iron 20:26 Mod
Pause Front Squats: 185×3
Ferrous Iron: 15:36 RX but I’m pretty sure I only did 3 rounds.
Front Squat: 225×3
“Ferrous Iron”: 13:45