Congratulations to our February on-ramp graduates. Nick, Steve, Krystal, Matt (not pictured), and Jessica (not pictured) will now be slaying alongside you. Welcome!
Announcements: We will be closed this Saturday (2/21). We have several athletes competing in the Summit Snowdown at EverProven CrossFit in Dover, NH.
Warm-up Drills
I. Run 2:00
II. 6:00 Partner Warm-up
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Turkish Get-up + OHS
Complete 5-4-3-2-1 reps for quality of
Turkish Get-Up Overhead Squat (24/16kg-L)
Turkish Get-Up Overhead Squat (24/16kg-R)
“Heave Ho”
Complete for time
21 x Deadlift (225/155)
42 x Wallball (20/14)
15 x Deadlift
30 x Wallball
9 x Deadlift
18 x Wall Ball
Post times to comments.
Skill Development
– GOAT Work
– Sign up for the OPEN
Burpee Challenge
14 x Burpees
“Heave Ho”: 17:39 105#/10#
Heave Ho 9:42 @ 185
Heave Ho…8:17 Rx
Good to see you S
amy and to mix it up with the 6 pm
24kg Turks Heave Ho 8:27 @ 155lbs
Hell yes, Bobba.
TGU: 40kg
“Heave Ho”: 8:44 Rx’d
I know I posted this yesterday……????
“Heave Ho”: 10:32 @ 155#/20#