ANNOUNCEMENT: Our August on-ramp starts Tuesday August 4th @ 6:00pm.
If someone you know would like to reserve a spot for our August on-ramp please send an email to
Warm-up Drills
I. Run 800m
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Flight Simulator AMRAP
Complete the following pyramid of Double-unders as many times as possible against a 10:00 Running Clock:
Notes: Complete each rung on the ladder unbroken before moving on. PENALTY: Each time a set is broken before completion, complete 5 x Burpees. All the way up and down is a complete evolution.
Post rounds completed to comments.
“Bennett Short”
Complete 7 Rounds of the following for time, where each round is against a 2:00 running clock:
10 x Pull-ups
10 x Air Squats
10 x Clapping Push-ups
10 x Russian KB Swings (Heavy)
Notes: Each round is against a 2:00 Running Clock (This WOD is 14:00 in total length). Any time left on the clock after each Round’s workload is complete is earned rest time… Today it truly pays to be a winner.
Athletes may go a full 10 Rounds, but this is a survival of the fittest format of training where only those that make the cutoff time will proceed.
Scaling: 5 Rounds for time as a traditional time priority CF WOD.
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
*Time permitting
I. 8 Rounds of (:20 work x :10 rest) x L-sit
II. Slay a goat and mobilize, freaks.
Guidance for mobility needed? Ask a coach to assign you mobility drills from the K-Star reference wall.
About 40 burpees, peppered with few successful single unders (15*3)
# 2 rounds Rx under 1:30, then
# 2 more rounds which didn’t exactly meet timing standards…
# Unknown are the whereabouts of the 3 missing rounds.
8 rounds of ab work
“Flight Simulator” up and down SUs then DU practice
“Bennett Short” : 6 Rounds in 12:00 (6th in exactly 2:00). The cried “Uncle”.
Impact/Focus: 4 Rounds +30
“Bennett Short”: 7 Rounds (:53-:59 time range)