*CFNH is closed for the Labor Day Holiday. Normal hours resume Tuesday 09.08.2015
Labor Day WOD: Optional Holiday Homework Training
Warm-up Drills
I. 3 Rounds for Quality of
Run 200m
15 x Burpees
Walk 50ft on Hands
Bear Crawl 100ft
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: A Gymnastics Triplet
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 15:00 of
1-2-3… x Handstand Push-ups
2-4-6… x Pistols (R+L)
4-8-12… x V-ups
Notes: Each round requires the rep load to increase. Pistols are 1 right and 1 left for the round requiring 2 repetitions. Substitute Stinkbugs at x 2 reps for those who wish to scale movements.
Post scores to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Running WOD
Choose any/all from the options below
I. 8 x 200m w/ :30 rest between efforts
II. 6 x 400m w/ 1:30 rest between efforts
III. 4 x 800m w/ rest time equal to 800m run time
IV. 2 x 1200m completed with enough rest to perform a negative split
Notes: Athletes should be addressing hamstrings, ankles, calves, soleus, etc via mobility prior to beginning the running intervals. Care and preparation will enhance performance efforts and gains yielded in work capacity. Get some, freaks.
Post selections and scores to comments.
Skill Development
I. Mobilize
II. CFNE Bullet Proof Shoulders (get creative)