– The Kickoff 2016 Party will be held Saturday Feb 6th @ 6pm at the Puritan Back Room.
Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m/Run 400m
II. 6:00 Dynamic Mobility
25ft Duck Walk (PVC OH)
25ft Bear Crawl
25ft Inchworms
25ft Spider Lunges
10 x Leg Swings
10 x Scorpion Stretch
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Snatch/Pistol EMOTM
Warm up as needed following movement review. Complete the following movements every minute on the minute for 12:00.
Even: 3 x Power Snatch (TnG)
Odd: :40 x Pistols (Alternating)
Post weight used, and reps completed to comments.
Impact/Focus: Row Intervals
Complete the following row intervals for time.
Row 30kcal
Rest 1:00
Row 20kcal
Rest 1:00
Row 10kcal
Rest 1:00
Row 20kcal
Rest 1:00
Row 30kcal
Post times to comments.
5-10:00 Skills Conditioning
Saw this photo and immediately thought of the Isle of Man flag……..see here (if this link works)
did not accept the link insertion, so copy this to browser…
Ha! Well played.
Great Sweat Sesh with 730.
Snatcheroos: Ended at 95#/53 reps blue band (dang crunchy knees!)
Row: 1:55/1:19/00:34/1:13/1:50 (slow; 1-2 pulls/cal. got better as kept going-quads still on fire from thrusters)
Lungs are running at 90%. Hope to have the last of this thing kicked out of my system this week!
Row, row, row your boat… 😉
EOMOTM: PS x 135lbs, 80 x pistols
Row: 1:21/:53/:21/?/1:3?
MetCon: 4 Rnds rx’d, unbroken
“PS/Pistols EOMOTM” : 75#/53 Band-aided Pistols
“Row Intervals”: 1:40/1:01/0:28/1:03/1:49
Met. Con. – Check! 24kg/unbroken all 4 rounds
EOMOTM: 95#/48 Finally figured out pistols with no band!
Row Intervals: 1:35/1:04/:29/1:08/1:50
MetCon: 24kg
EMOTM: 45#/56 – green band pitsols
Row Intervals: 2:10/1:29/0:41/1:29/2:29
Metcon: 16kg