– On Saturday April 30th @ 11:00am we will be hosting a Bring-a-Friend/Free Workout. Spread the word.
– Our May On-Ramp class begins Tuesday May 3rd @ 6pm.
– Join us for Memorial Day “Murph”, Monday May 30th @ 10:00 & 11:00am.
Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m/Row 500m
II. 2 rounds of
10 x Deadlift
10 x Front Squat
10 x Press
10 x Push Press
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus #1: Push/Split Jerk Technique
After warm-up, athletes will review proper push/split jerk technique and be assigned an appropriate rep scheme to follow for today’s workout.
Push/Split Jerk TBD
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Impact/Focus #2: Front Squat
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 3 reps) before making 4 attempts to establish a 7-rep max Front Squat.
Front Squat 7-7-7-7
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5-10:00 Metabolic Conditioning
“Front Squat 7-7-7-7 (with Clean)”: 115# x 7
Met Con: 10:00 AMRAP
100′ Farmer’s Walk (32kg)
100′ Bear Crawl
20 Slamballs (30#)
3 Rounds + 100′
Front Squat: 85×7
“TD’s & Beer”: 3 rds (20kg)
Front Squat: 135#x7
“TD’s and Beers”: 3 rds + 14
24kg Farmers Carry / 20# Slamball