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IMG_8179Please welcome the newest members of our community from the June on-ramp. Mike, Adam, Chase, Michelle, Jeremy (not pictured), and Chris (not pictured), will be slaying workouts along side you soon!

-This Sunday, June 26th, we have 10 athletes competing at the Power Couple Weightlifting Competition at CrossFit Nashua. The event starts at 9:30am. Prepare to get some, freaks!

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 2-3 rounds of
10 x Partner Weighted Abmat Sit-ups (20/14)
10 x Partner Rig Toss
10 x Lateral Med Ball Toss
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Deadlift 5-5-5 (Wk11)
Work through the following sets of Deadlift using the percentage based sets outlined below.
To determine loads use 5-rep Deadlift established on 04.08.2016.

5 x 40% (warm-up)
5 x 50% (warm-up)
5 x 60% (warm-up)
3 x 5 reps (+5 to 10 lbs from last week)

Notes: Use your previously established Deadlift 5RM to determine loads for today.

1-Rep Maximum/Percentage Calculator

Post loads to comments.

“Valhalla & Huckleberry”
Complete the following for time in teams of 2 athletes.
100 x Box Jumps (24/20)
100 x Partner Weighted Abmat Sit-ups (20/14)
100 x Front Squats (95/65)
100 x V-ups
100 x Double unders

Notes: Complete the workload in teams of 2. Only one athlete may work at a time. Teams may break up the reps as needed as long as each athlete completes an equal workload (50 reps).

Post times to comments.

Samy Daghir

4 thoughts on “06.24.2016”

  1. Deadlifts: 130×5

    Valhalla & Huckleberry w/ Daniel: 30:34 (Rx except for 20# wall ball on the sit-ups and Single Unders)


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